Sunday, January 22, 2006

This and that

If you sometimes wonder what MCEB is doing besides of bossing around in the office, then here are some pictures of our last activity. Þórdís invited us to her home where we were having a wonderful dinner. Þórdís, sorry, but I don't remember how you call that grill thing, but it is a little similar to Fondue...or rather to say, american version of Fondue - simple, no fat ( :oD ) and non-sticking. Anyways, we cooked the food ourselves and it was delicious! Unfortunately Tómas was a bit late, so we have pictures just of us, Ice girls....

Enjoy the view! :oP


Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The program for HIV week:

Veistu eitthvað um HIV eða alnæmi?

HIV-hópur AIESEC á Íslandi stendur fyrir fræðsluviku um HIV og
AIDS vikuna 23.-27. janúar. Fyrirlestrarnir munu taka á ýmsum
málefnum sem snerta veiruna og sjúkdóminn á einn eða annan hátt.

Mánudagur: 23. janúar í hádegishléi:
Starfaskipti sem skipta máli - HIV verkefni í Afríku
Lögberg, st. 101, Háskóla Íslands
Matsalur, Háskólanum í Reykjavík
Kennaraháskóli Íslands

Þriðjudagur: 24. janúar kl. 12:20, Askja st. 132
Hvað er alnæmi? Hvað er hægt að gera?
Eyjólfur Þorkelsson læknanemi

Miðvikudagur 25. janúar kl. 12:20, Askja st. 132
Áhrif alnæmis á samfélagið
Sigurlaug Hauksdóttir, yfirfélagsráðgjafi sóttvarnasviðs landlæknisembættis

Fimmtudagur: 26. janúar kl. 12:20 Askja st. 132
Alnæmi í Afríku
Nína Helgadóttir, verkefnisstjóri alnæmisverkefni Rauða krossins

Föstudagur 27. janúar kl. 12:20 Askja st. 132
Lifað með HIV
Ingi Rafn Hauksson, formaður Alnæmissamtakanna

Alnæmisborðinn verður til sölu á fyrirlestrunum.
Léttar veitingar í boði Ó. Johnson & Kaaber og Ölgerðarinnar Egils Skallagrímssonar.

Saturday, January 14, 2006


Do you know which two babes will rock in IPM 2006 in Holland?

Þórdís Katla - MCP'e and Sandra MCP'c!!!!

Congratulations, Þórdís!


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

MCP elections on 12.1., 17h

Hello everyone,

it´s againg this time of the year, when new President of AIESEC in Iceland will be selected. This person will lead AIESEC in Iceland from 1.7. till 30.6. next year.

Come to MCP elections and choose YOUR LEADER!!!!

MCP candidates are:
Kenoma from Nigeria
Þórdís Katla

Read all applications (you can find them on our community), prepare questions, come for elections and vote!!!!

All candidates are looking forward for you to come! MCP elections are gonna be on Thursday, 12.1., 17h sharp in Askja, room nr. 101.

Take this chance to choose your future president.

MEMBERS MEETING on 11.1.2006

Dear members,

we would like to inform you, that on Wednesday, 11.1.2006 at 20:00 in AIESEC office, is going to be first Members meeting in this calendar year.

Brief agenda:
- team updates after christmas
- WENA newie in Malta
- Icelandic National Seminar (INS)
- MCP elections
- recruitment
- Insight XP test
- surprize

We are looking forwad to see you all there! It´s our first meeting in this year and we would live to meet you all. This meeting is also important, because you will get here all necessary information regarding to MCP elections which are going to be this Thursday, 12.1.

Please, confirm your attandance by calling or sending email to Svetla (, 691-90-67)

See you there!
Your MC