Saturday, February 25, 2006

Special yesterday...

Dear members,

Before I run to get some dinner, I wanted to share with you few exciting moments from the International Presidents meeting that we Thordis are attending at the moment in the Netherlands.

The conference is extremelly intense but we are having a lots of fun. Yesterday, I personally experienced some precious moments that almost brought me to tears and also motivated me to contribute even more for the AIESEC in Iceland.

Yesterday we had a PAI elections. Some of you will probably wonder who is the PAI.... :) I am honoured to announce that the President of AIESEC International 2006-07 is Edyson Dos Santos, who is currently the Africa GN director!!!! Wow, if you would know what an experience is to be a part of these elections, what a quality, ideas, visions and experiences that are shared with the leaders from all over the world.....

Yesterday was also a very special day for AIESEC in Iceland, because our name was mentioned few times by very special people in the very special moments....

Some of you probably remember Marcus Orlovsky, who came for Career days last year. This entrepreneur and the most excellent speaker that I have ever seen thanked AIESEC in Iceland for inviting him to Career days 2005. There he met Magnus Schieving and according to Marcus, they "clicked". :) It means that now they are working together for the better future of children. In front of all plenary he several times thanked Iceland for the opportunity that led him to fulfill his dreams, to make the world a better place. :)

Then we had final speeches of the PAI candidates and our dear WENA director, Taco Bosman (one the candidates) who was visiting AIESEC in Iceland in october, said that in our country he also had a special moment. Gudrun Helga, our lovely OCP of HIV project inspired him deeply by showing a maturity and sharing her future goals and vision. For him this small talk was very inspiring and "reconfirming" that the things we do in AIESEC really matter and that we are enabling people to become the agents of change, that I am sure that Gudrun Helga is.

Kisses and hugs to everybody, we miss you!!!


Svetlana Senajova said...

I´m so glad to hear such a nice news from IPM!

First of all congratulations to Dey!

Secondly, I have to say that I am very proud of AIESEC Iceland and I am really happy that I can be a part of such a great AIESEC committee and contribute to make us successful.

Anonymous said...

Hey hey, this is kind of random. I'm an AIESECer in the U.S. (D.C.) and I'm coming to Iceland next week (11 March through 14 March). I just wanted to see if you guys had anything cool going on there. It would be really cool to connect with you all, especially since I plan on studying in Iceland next year. Let me know, my name is Mike.
Sjáumst Siður :)

Svetlana Senajova said...

Sure, call us whenever u get to Iceland and and we can do some party together :)

Office number is +354-5529932 or +354-5627173, email:

see u soon


~ritarinn said...


just found this site randomly, and figured i´d better leave my footprints here!

everything is going fine here in CZ. i just came back from jeseniki mountains after a weekend of snowboarding. the moravian mountains are something else...

well, i´ll see ya all in june when i´m coming back to iceland!

~ritarinn said...

oh, i´m björgvin, your czech trainee, figured i might want to mention that as well...

AIESEC in Iceland said...

Hey Björgvin, nice to hear from you. How do you like your internship? You are more than welcome to share your experience by sending e-mail through community of Iceland in!


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