Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Dear members,

As you all know we have had MC VP selections for the last week. Unfortunately none of the applicants were selected but we thank them for their hard effort and commitments.

It is with great pleasure that we announce the opening of the second round applications for the MC 2006/2007. Working together with an amazing group of individuals towards the achievement of one common vision is truly an unforgettable experience. Leading an AIESEC country with great potential is a challenge that is not only rewarding for personal but as well profesional fulfillment. AIESEC in Iceland is planning to open up 2 LC’s so the term 2006/2007 will be full of challenges and intensive experience and we invite you to take part in this with us.

The available positions are open for both national and international candidates.
- MCVP People Development
- MCVP External Relations
- MCVP Exchange Development

You can download the applications with the job-description of each position on the following links:
Application booklet: http://www.aiesec.net/members/ai/iceland/file-storage/file?file%5fid=39957706
Applications: http://aiesec.net/members/ai/iceland/file-storage/file?file_id=35358538

The deadline for submitting the applications is Wednesday, 5th of April 2006. Late applications will NOT be accepted.

Please submit the applications to the current MC ( aiesec@hi.is )

Q & A in the ICELAND community for the members AIESEC in Iceland will happen on the 6th-13th of April. Interviews with the candidates who are ratified will take place during 10th - 13th of April 2006. The announcement of the selected MC will be made on the 18th of April.

We are looking forward to see YOU challenge yourself and AIESEC in Iceland.

On behalf of the MC in Iceland
Þórdís Katla Bjartmarz
MCPe 2006-2007


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